
Understanding Attacking Environment Variables - Hooking LD_PRELOAD

범고래_1 2020. 2. 15. 04:16

What is Environment Variables?

Environment Variables are set of values that can affect process or binary.

You can check environment variables with "env" command in Linux.


LD_PRELOAD is one of environment variables that indicates shared library of executable binary in Linux. Executable binary refers LD_PRELOAD environment variables to load functions in libraries like read, write, printf, etc... If hacker can hook this LD_PRELOAD, exploit is possible.


Hooking LD_PRELOAD can chagne flow of the program, and this results in EXPLOIT !

Below source shows [env.c] code.

// gcc -o env env.c
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int main()
	char buf[20];
	write(1, "name : ", 7);
	read(0, buf, sizeof(buf)-1);

	write(1, "Hi\n", 3);
    return 0;

This is simple read/write fuction example.

And let's make library file called libc in Linux, and it usually has .so file extensions.

Below source shows [libc.c] code.

// gcc -o libc.c -fPIC -shared
#include <stdlib.h>
void read() {
	execve("/bin/sh", 0, 0);

I made read() function, and this executes [execve("/bin/sh", 0, 0)] which gives me shell !

After compile with gcc, let's hook !

Libc I made is located in /root/bin.

I can make LD_PRELOAD with "export" command like this.

Using "echo" command can see and check environment variables.

From now on, all binaries that I run refer [/root/bin/] instead of [/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] which is real libc !

When I run "./env", I can get shell !!

Because read() function in [/root/bin/] executes [execve("/bin/sh", 0, 0)] which runs shell.

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